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Halloween Safety for Pets

halloween safety

For many of us, our pets are more than animals, they’re family members.  We like to have our pets participate in activities that the whole family can enjoy. Many times, holidays are big events for families.  Halloween is becoming more and more popular amongst pet owners.  Pet costumes are a pretty common sight now a […]

Puppies and Canine Parvovirus | Signs and Treatments

puppy parvovirus

Okay, so you’ve adopted your new puppy and you’re ready for a lifetime of walks, playing fetch and posting adorable social media photos.  But, before you get too comfortable, one of the first things that you should think about is getting your puppy vaccinated against the highly contagious virus, canine parvovirus. What is Canine Parvovirus? […]

Courtney North

Bio North received her veterinary degree from the University of  Pennsylvania in 2003. She subsequently completed a year-long internship in small animal medicine and surgery at the Animal Medical Center in New York City and a three-year residency in small animal internal medicine at Michigan State University. Dr. North’s affinity for animals of all kinds […]

Nicolette Fiessinger

Bio Dr. Fiessinger grew up in Dayton, Ohio. She knew from a young age that she wanted to be a veterinarian, and started volunteering at shelters and horse barns to gain animal experience in high school. She also spent some time in Italy working with exotic animals during veterinary school. Dr. Fiessinger attended University of […]

Floyd Williams

Bio Dr. Williams was born in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and raised in San Antonio Texas. While in high school his initial plans of becoming an Attorney quickly changed after taking a Pre-Vet Med course during his sophomore year. Having the ability to advocate for animals medically and help them fight disease is his favorite part […]

Haley Boswell

Bio Dr. Haley Boswell was born and raised in a small Southern Indiana town. It was clear from a young age that Dr. Boswell loved animals and the love continued into adulthood. She volunteered and worked at numerous veterinary clinics and shelters, along with going on a handful of veterinary service trips abroad while on […]

Taylor Thompson

Bio Dr. Thompson grew up in the southside of the Indianapolis area, primarily in Greenwood and Franklin. She graduated from Franklin College as a Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship recipient in 2015. She completed her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine at Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2019. After working in general practice for two years […]

Lumps and Bumps | What Are Pet Cancer Symptoms?

One word that is very scary to anyone is the word ‘cancer’. This word can haunt anyone if you hear it in relation to a loved one. So, what about your pets? Pets are susceptible to getting cancer as well. What should you look out for? What are the pet cancer symptoms? Most obvious are […]

Kylie Roman

Bio Dr. Roman was born and raised just outside of Indianapolis. She earned her undergraduate degrees from Indiana University and enjoyed every moment of it. She began working as a veterinary assistant during her time in Bloomington and found her calling. Before getting into veterinary school, she and her husband, Tyler, moved to northern Minnesota […]

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